In collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory (Dr. Paul Fischer), we are developing fluid-structure interaction capabilities within the 3D spectral element fluid solver NEK 5000 with the goal of investigating the interaction of the blood flow with the elastic vessel wall and performing wall remodeling studies of biological vessels. We have implemented a flexible wall (membrane) model and validated it on steady and unsteady (flutter) flow in a 2D collapsible channel [.pdf]. 3D validations of a flexible pipe collapse are currently underway.
As a parllel effort to flexible wall modeling, we are developing realistic 3D linear and nonlinear models for the sructural response. We have implemented 3D unsteady linear elasticity equations with Newmark time-steping algoritm. The solver has been tested on steady problem of beam deflection and unsteady problem of beam vibrations. We are currently working on coupling the solid solver with the fluid solver.